Two deceased and several injured in serious accident between passenger bus and car in Ciego de Ávila.

The deceased would be the truck driver and two of the occupants of the tour bus.

A serious accident that occurred on the night of this Wednesday between a passenger truck and a car left two dead and an undetermined number of injured in the province of Ciego de Ávila, according to unofficial preliminary data.

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The deceased would be the truck driver, Hugo Triao -known as "Jugo"- whose death has caused deep dismay among the truck drivers of Santiago de Cuba. The vehicle was from Mayarí Arriba, in the Segundo Frente municipality, where the victim apparently also resided.

Facebook Capture/Accidents Buses & Trucks

In the car were a couple and their son. The woman died, but the man and the child survived.

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According to reports on social media, the accident was caused because the truck had a tire blowout and the car tried to swerve, but unfortunately, they were unable to avoid it.

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Regarding the driver who was with the deceased driver in the truck, reports indicate that he has a head injury and several bruises, but he is alive.

Facebook/Bus & Truck Accidents

What is not clear is the number of people traveling in the passenger truck; one internet user indicated that there were 29, but so far it has not been possible to confirm that this was the actual number of occupants of the vehicle.

The shocking images published show that the red truck crashed with such force into a tree that, according to witnesses, it took many hours for the firefighters to free the deceased from the cab.

In the comments section of various posts, several drivers called for reducing speed on the roads.

A commentator indicated that the ultimate cause of these unfortunate accidents is speeding, regardless of other factors, and concluded that "at low speed, there are no such effects 99 percent of the time."

"I don't know if it was the truck's fault or the tour or a technical malfunction, but it seems to me that if it had gone at the speed set by the Central, I don't think there would have been any loss of human life," another group user agreed.

There were also those who pointed out that trucks are for transporting cargo and animals, not people.

Despite such remarks, numerous colleagues of the truck driver emphasized that he was an experienced driver.

As of the closing of this note, the information being handled remains preliminary.

In recent weeks, a growing number of serious accidents have been reported across the country, many of them resulting in fatalities.

In one of the most recent cases, seven people were injured, one of them in critical condition after the collision on Monday between a truck from a Mipyme and a "almendrón" on the Central Highway, also near Ciego de Ávila.

This Wednesday, a motorcyclist died after colliding with a van at the intersection of 41 and 30 in the Playa municipality of Havana.

Although the population perceives an increase in traffic accidents in recent months, Cuban authorities stated at the beginning of this month that in the first half of 2024, there were 543 fewer incidents reported in the country compared to the same period last year.

In the official state television program Mesa Redonda, Colonel Roberto Rodríguez Fernández, head of the Specialized Traffic Body of the Ministry of the Interior (MININT), also reported that there were 81 fewer fatalities (23%) and a reduction of 151 injuries (5%) between January and June of this year, compared to the same period in 2023.

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