Cubana shares the advantages and disadvantages of living in California.

Cubana de California shares the good and the bad of living in this state of the USA.

A Cuban resident in California shared on TikTok her experience about the good and the bad of living in this state after two years in the region.

Among the advantages of living in California, this Cuban named Dianeyis (@lovedychic on TikTok) highlighted the weather. "It has the best climate in the United States," she stated. She described a pleasant warmth that is not as suffocating as in Florida, and a mild winter where the sun always shines. "It’s warm all year round," she adds, emphasizing the consistency of the good weather.

Job opportunities are another positive aspect he mentions. "There is a lot of work, and you will have the best jobs if you know English. But there are jobs for everyone, documented and undocumented," he explains. He also emphasizes that there are many opportunities to start a business, as long as the corresponding taxes are paid. "You can set up your business on any corner," he says, and adds that the Latino community is well received and treated with respect. "Except for some people, they are all pro-immigrant. There isn’t much racism," he assures, highlighting the support for immigrants.

However, not everything is perfect. Taxes in California are one of the biggest complaints. "They are very high and there are many. I don't understand why, but it's a lot of money. At least bi-weekly, they take out from me between 250 to 300 dollars," he laments, considering this amount considerable.

Another negative aspect is the high cost of housing. "I wouldn't want to buy a house in California, it's extremely expensive," she comments. Moreover, she does not like Los Angeles.

"Los Angeles is horrible, it's full of homeless people and people who smoke marijuana," she says openly.

Finally, he offers a piece of advice to those thinking about moving to California: "Come with many people and ensure that everyone works. Because if not, it will be unsustainable for you to support yourself, save money, and achieve your American dream."

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor of CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University in Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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