Cuban surprises his younger brother by giving him a motorcycle for his birthday.

A Cuban surprised his younger brother with a motorcycle as a birthday gift.

What a birthday surprise a Cuban on the island received when his older brother arrived riding his birthday gift: a motorcycle! The emotional gesture has touched many on TikTok, where the protagonist of this surprise (@el_chino_2291) shared the moment he arrived with the gift for his younger brother in the middle of the party.

The scene, recorded in Cuba, captures the younger brother's reaction upon discovering the motorcycle, a gift that will undoubtedly mark a before and after in his life.

In the video, you can see how the young man, excited, hugs his older brother while friends and family record the moment.

The post by @el_chino_2291 has gone viral on TikTok, where many have celebrated the beautiful relationship of these two siblings.

"Money has no meaning if we don't have someone to share it with," "Material things are not everything, but how they fill our soul with satisfaction when we give something," "Congratulations to both of you, bro, such a beautiful gesture," "The love between siblings is unique and incomparable; those who do not have a sibling will never know what it feels like to have a part of you in another person," or "It's clear that the little boy is very humble and grateful. And if you give it to him, it's because he deserves it," are some of the comments that can be read alongside this scene.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor at CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University in Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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