The emotional reflection of a Cuban father as he watches his daughter leave for abroad.

"The separation of Cuban families hurts a lot, and it is the only thing that the damn communism can offer us beyond its worn-out rhetoric, its promises, and its prohibitions, restrictions, and deprivations that tear pieces from our souls."

Manuel Viera junto a su hija © Facebook/Manuel Viera
Manuel Viera with his daughterPhoto © Facebook/Manuel Viera

Lawyer Miguel Viera, who has thousands of followers on Facebook thanks to his sharp reflections on Cuban reality, has just seen his eldest daughter leave for abroad, something he claims has left him "broken."

The filial goodbyes, which have become a daily occurrence in a country that is falling apart, have sparked a heartbreaking reflection that Viera himself assures will resonate with thousands of Cubans.

He recounts that the inevitable reality of seeing his daughter leave began a year ago when, as she started the 12th grade, he received a devastating answer when he asked her which career she would study.

"None, dad. My future will not be in Cuba. I am not going to live in this country!" was the response that, although Viera did not take seriously at that moment, has ended a year later in a farewell.

We reproduce in full -because its brilliance cannot be paraphrased- the heartbreaking reasoning with which Manuel Viera has summarized a reality that affects thousands of Cuban families who in recent years have said goodbye to what they love most in life.

“Today my daughter left for a country in the European Union, a country where they speak strangely and where it is very cold, but a country where she will not shout slogans nor lose her life among queues and blackouts.”

It's the reality we Cubans live! The youth are leaving us while still almost children because there is no future in this hell, and I am no one to clip their wings... mostly because all of us who are gray-haired now and lost our lives listening to lies regret not having done so.

The separation of Cuban families hurts a lot, and it is the only thing that the damn communism can offer us beyond its tired rhetoric, its promises, and its prohibitions, restrictions, and deprivations that tear pieces from our souls.

It hurts to see children leave, mothers who go without their children, grandparents raising babies! It hurts to feel more and more alone among lies and promises... It hurts the perpetuity, the continuity of ignominy, while communism and its Machiavellian machinery of breaking humans, breaking dreams, breaking love becomes increasingly revolting each day. It disgusts me, it disgusts you, and it disgusts the world today more and more without masks.

"I hate communism because it impoverishes, because it hurts, because it is only efficient at making people suffer, spreading pain, hunger, and misery. I hate the communism that has left us alone, alone with hunger, trembling from the cold, hiding from a snowstorm or being victims of abuse as emigrants. Today my daughter left just like your son, your mother, your brother did."

"Today my daughter left, and I know that even if you don't speak, even if you fear, even if you settle, even if you have the card that makes me nauseous, even if you are a worker, intellectual, farmer, cadre, minister, or deputy... you, there in silence, also feel like I do."

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