A young man is stabbed in Santiago de Cuba.

Palacios, who is the father of a small girl and known in the area, was urgently transferred to the Joaquín Castillo Duany Military Hospital.

Joven apuñalado © Facebook/Yosmany Mayeta Labrada
Young man stabbedPhoto © Facebook/Yosmany Mayeta Labrada

A 28-year-old man identified as Raciel Palacios, residing in the Reparto Altamira of Santiago de Cuba, was stabbed on Tuesday night near a bus stop in that area.

Local reporter Yosmany Mayeta reported on Facebook that Palacios, who is the father of a small girl, was rushed to Joaquín Castillo Duany Military Hospital with serious injuries.

Publication inFacebook

According to reports, the young man is in the Operating Room.

The reasons for the stabbing have not been disclosed, nor has the identity of the attacker.

However, it has been mentioned that the alleged attacker is also a resident of the same area.

This attack adds to a series of recent violent incidents in Santiago de Cuba. Last Tuesday, a young teacher named Tatiana Alcolea was assaulted by her partner in the city, and another man was murdered in a fight in Songo la Maya.

Additionally, in April of this year, a foreigner was stabbed in Santiago de Cuba, allegedly during a robbery.

The Cuban regime has acknowledged the rise in crime on the island, which previously marketed itself as a safe country.

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