Cuban regime releases 11J prisoner with tongue cancer.

He was sentenced to nine years in prison after being charged with crimes of assault, contempt, and public disorder, following the popular protests on July 11, 2021, in Ciego de Ávila.

Fernando Eloy González Herrera © Facebook/Adriano Castañeda y Fernando Eloy González Herrera
Fernando Eloy González HerreraPhoto © Facebook/Adriano Castañeda and Fernando Eloy González Herrera

The Cuban political prisoner Fernando Eloy González Herrera, 36 years old, who suffers from tongue cancer, was released with an extra-penal license of one year.

Adriano Castañeda, an independent journalist, noted that "González contracted cancer while imprisoned in the Canaleta prison, in the province of Ciego de Ávila."

He has been suffering from it for nine months and has not received the proper care for his illness, the communicator pointed out.

Capture from Facebook/Adriano Castañeda

"Everyone knows it, I have been dealing with this problem for nine months and I have not been treated as I should have been, and now this has gained strength to the point that it has already eaten the tip of my tongue and half of the sides, and they do not want to take me for surgery," the political prisoner reported from the health center of Morón in a phone communication with Castañeda and cited by Martí Noticias.

González Herrera was sentenced to nine years in prison after being charged with crimes of assault, contempt, and public disorder, following the popular protests of July 11, 2021, in Ciego de Ávila.

His detention took place at his home, in the middle of the night, by State Security agents, hours after he participated in a protest.

The repressors did not show him an arrest warrant. In fact, he was naked and they didn't even allow him to get dressed before taking him to the station, reports the Facebook group "Justicia 11J."

"This is the first time he has been in contact to make his situation known; he is one of the many prisoners from July 11 whose current situation was not really known," Castañeda defined the communication he had with González.

A few days ago, the political prisoner was transferred to the penal ward of the Morón Hospital in Ciego de Ávila. On Saturday, August 11, he was placed in an open room, and hours later he was discharged, reports Castañeda.

"He says he fears for his life and well, they had to take him to the inmates' ward of the hospital, because it seems they saw that the situation was quite complicated, but they haven't really acted quickly," the journalist mentioned to Martí Noticias.

González's brother, Danelles Castillo Herrera, confirmed via WhatsApp that he was released from prison and was at the home of his parents Eloy González and Bertha Herrera, reported political prisoner Carlos Michael Morales.

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