Family seeks help to repatriate the body of young Cuban murdered in the United States.

The murdered Cuban lived in Houston, Texas.

Cubano asesinado en Houston © GoFundMe
Cuban murdered in HoustonPhoto © GoFundMe

A 28-year-old Cuban man was murdered on August 8th in the city of Houston, Texas, under circumstances that have not been clarified, and his family is asking not only for justice but also for help to repatriate the body to the island.

The victim, named Yoel Valdés Piñeiro, was originally from Playa Baracoa, in the province of Artemisa, and had only been in the United States for two years, as reported on social media by the crime reporter, Niover Licea.

"My friends, on August 8, my eldest son was murdered in Houston, Texas. I ask everyone for help regarding information on how to bring the body to Cuba, and for those residing in Texas, if you know anything that could aid the police investigations, I urge you to contact me immediately, because whoever committed this crime will have to answer to the law of man and of God, as it has brought grief to two families and has taken part of my reason for living," wrote Pedro Valdés Paredes, the victim's father, in a heartbreaking post shared on Facebook.

"Help me bring my child's body, as the mother and I need to give him one last hug and burial," concluded Valdés Paredes, who described the tragedy he is experiencing as "the most heartbreaking experience a parent can go through."

Facebook capture/Lili Rachel García Montalvo

A petition on the GoFundMe fundraising platform has been created with the goal of raising $20,000 to cover the expenses of transporting the body. As of the closing of this note, $8,858 has been raised out of the estimated amount.

"Through this campaign, we hope to raise the necessary funds to cover transportation costs and funeral services. Any help, no matter how small, will be greatly appreciated and will allow us to fulfill the family's wish to say goodbye in peace," says the petition, signed by Ivette Valdés, the victim's aunt.

GoFundMe Capture

In recent hours, relatives of the deceased young man have expressed their dismay at his loss.

"How they messed with you when you had a whole life ahead of you... With that hunger you had to conquer the world, to move forward and help your mom like a true warrior... As for me, I never had any complaints about you, you were an exemplary kid, intelligent, a fighter, and above all, a good son. My boy, you've left a tremendous void. I only ask for strength for your mom, who I know must be devastated... and may your soul find peace and a beautiful place in heaven... Rest in Peace, Warrior... my admiration, respect, and love for you will be eternal," wrote Danny Lombillo in an emotional Facebook post.

Facebook capture/Danny Lombillo

As of the closure of this note, no official information has emerged regarding the circumstances in which the young Cuban was murdered.

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