Cuban believes that Houston, Nebraska, Louisville, and Miami "are not a good option to move to."

Cuban warns about cities with no jobs in the United States: "They are not a good option for moving."

At a time when rental prices are skyrocketing, a Cuban in Louisville shared a reflection on choices of cities to move to, listing the places in the United States that she believes are not the best options for starting a new life at the moment.

The user who shared this video is @gaby.pantoja7, who comments that it is essential not to base the decision solely on the cost of rent when moving to a new city, but that the job situation is another factor to consider.

"I think that when we are in a place and things are not going well, even if you have been there for many years, it's a sign to change your place and move. If we were able to cross borders and start from scratch, how can we not be capable of moving to another place," he begins to say in his video.

Gaby specifically mentions several cities in the United States that, in her opinion, are not good options for moving due to job scarcity. First, she warns about Louisville, Kentucky, where she currently resides. "Louisville has a significant job situation. When you are going to move to a place, you can't just think about the rent and rental prices; you have to think about the job issue, what is going to give you the money to pay that rent," she explains.

Additionally, he points out that Louisville has become saturated with Cubans because many move to places where they have family or acquaintances who can help them. "I want to tell you that if you are thinking of moving here, it is not a good option because there are no jobs. There is a difficult situation with employment. People just don't seem to understand it," he comments, emphasizing that it is important to have English skills when looking for work.

The young woman also mentions other cities that, in her opinion, face similar problems, such as Houston, Texas, and Nebraska. "In my opinion, it’s not good to move to Houston, Texas; it's just as bad or worse than Louisville. Nebraska is also in the same situation," she says.

Finally, he warns about Miami, Florida, one of the most popular cities among Cubans, but emphasizes that moving there without having a secured job is a risk. "Miami is not an option if you don't have a job lined up or something guaranteed," he states.

The Cuban ends her message by advising those planning to move to research both the cost of rent and job opportunities in the area before making a decision. "When you're going to move, you have to think it through, you not only have to look for rent, but also for job availability. If you're not going to have a job, what's the point of having an $800 rent?" she concludes.

This video has generated intense debate on TikTok, with many users thanking the warning and others sharing their own experiences about the difficulties of finding a job in various cities in the United States.

What do you think?


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Izabela Pecherska

Editor of CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from Rey Juan Carlos University in Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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