The government blames Cubans living abroad for the increase in drug consumption.

This is not the first time the regime has made this accusation and directed its criticism more emphatically towards residents in the United States.

After a recent analysis of the impact of the increase in drug consumption on the island, the regime pointed to Cubans living abroad as the main culprits of the situation.

In the officialist program Mesa Redonda, Colonel Juan Carlos Poey Guerra, head of the drug control agency of the Ministry of the Interior (MININT), stated that the study revealed that the greatest impacts come from abroad, which has led to an intensification of operations.

In this regard, it was stated that the intention of community members to introduce narcotics into the national territory through air means remains, using passengers, cargo, and postal shipments, combining traditional methods of operation and masking with new ones, as well as the triangulation of operations.

For this reason, it was stated that attempts have been recorded from at least ten countries, using both traditional and novel methods, according to what was presented by Cubadebate.

The Ministry of the Interior identified that the United States is the main source of drugs, especially synthetic cannabinoids in various forms, which increase addiction levels and health risks.

"This has been noted specifically, based on the investigations carried out, particularly in municipalities like La Lisa and Arroyo Naranjo, where actions have been taken to confront this type of drug so that its development and circulation in the national territory do not occur," he stated.

The report from the military entity highlights a notable increase in the presence of drugs in the domestic market, with an uptick in the incidence of cocaine, unlike marijuana, which used to be the most seized substance.

This change in consumption patterns is attributed to the activation of maritime routes close to Cuba and the role of unscrupulous elements attempting to introduce drugs into the country through its shores.

It also highlighted the development of trafficking operations that combine the transport of people and drugs, representing a serious national security problem. The intervention of the military system has intensified to confront this phenomenon, which endangers human life and the stability of the country.

In addition, the MININT acknowledged the growing importation of electronic cigarettes and confectionery products that contain drugs, causing occasional intoxications.

The provinces most affected by the illegal cultivation of marijuana include Granma, Santiago de Cuba, Holguín, Las Tunas, Camagüey, Guantánamo, Ciego de Ávila, Havana, Matanzas, and the special municipality of Isla de la Juventud.

This is not the first time the regime has accused Cubans living abroad, as in February 2022 it blamed them for organizing drug trafficking operations, after registering an increase in the amount of drug landings in the national territory in 2021.

The Ministry of the Interior reported that in the past year there were 295 cases of drug landings, 142 more than in 2020, which represents 2,338.64 kilograms of drugs seized, according to data published by the official newspaper Granma.

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