Elioveliz Pérez, the "Cuban José José," heads to Mexico.

The young man arrived in Mexico on Monday.

The young Cuban singer Elioveliz Pérez Romero, known as the "Cuban José José" due to the notable resemblance of his voice to that of the iconic Mexican singer, left Cuba for the Aztec nation, as announced on his social media.

"Dear Friends: The time has come to embark on a new journey, and although distance will separate us for a while, I want you to know that I carry you in my heart wherever I go. You are the reason I do what I love, and there are not enough words to thank you for all the support and love you have given me," she wrote at the beginning of an emotional farewell post on Facebook.

"This trip is an opportunity to grow, learn, and bring you new experiences and music that I hope you enjoy as much as I do. Even though I will be far away, our souls will remain connected through each song, each lyric, and every moment we have shared. Thank you for always being by my side. I love you all so much," he added.

Facebook capture/Elioveliz Pérez

In recent hours, the young man made it known on his social media that he is participating in the BMB Convention (Booking, Management & Brokers), an event aimed at professionals in the music industry, specifically those involved in artist booking, talent management, and the brokering of concerts and events.

Facebook Capture/Elioveliz Pérez

This convention brings together agents and key figures from the music industry to discuss the latest trends, share experiences, and establish professional connections. The event is an important platform for those looking to expand their network in the music industry.

"Live from the BMB of the National Auditorium of Mexico City. God is good," wrote Elioveliz on Instagram, where he shared a snippet of his musical performance at the event.

The 22-year-old artist also expressed gratitude for being greeted at the airport by two Cuban fans who came lovingly to welcome him.

"Upon my arrival in Mexico City, two Cuban women were waiting for me. They had learned through our Facebook group that I was on my way. Without thinking, they rushed to welcome me. What a gesture! I thank them very much for their support," wrote the young man.

Facebook capture/Elioveliz Péez

The artist also dedicated an emotional message to his mother at the beginning of this week, expressing the difficult decision to separate from her to move forward in his career.

"Mother, what can I say to you? We have never been apart, and today it is my turn to leave," he began his message, in which he specified that, despite the distance, they would be together through music.

"I promise you that soon we will be together to never part again. Don't forget that I made it: I am your music idol. And you will listen to my music in my absence while I take it to every corner of this world," he concluded before saying goodbye with an "I love you."

A few months ago, the performer shared on his Facebook profile that the public transport networks in Mexico City, specifically the metrobuses that run along Insurgentes Avenue and other main roads, had begun broadcasting his music videos.

"This photo from Mexico City. They tell me that these are elite buses in Mexico City and that they are broadcasting my videos. I love them!" she wrote alongside an image where her face was visible on the screens of the bus rapid transit.

On social media, the thousands of followers of the young Cuban talent have not missed the opportunity to congratulate him on his new stage.

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