Emotional funeral of a 14-year-old teenager who died in a traffic accident in Santiago de Cuba.

The teenager passed away in the early hours of Sunday, but his burial was postponed until the arrival of a family member from abroad.

On the morning of this Thursday, Kevin Quiala Suárez, the 14-year-old teenager who died in the early hours of Sunday after being hit by a motorcycle in the heart of Santiago de Cuba, was buried.

The burial has not taken place until now because the family was waiting for the arrival of the younger sibling's sister, who lives outside of Cuba, according to journalist Yosmany Mayeta, who shared moving images on Facebook of the moment Kevin was buried today, amid the crying and despair of his relatives.

"My life from this moment is in a void... that I know I will never overcome. I want to thank everyone for sharing in this feeling and this deep pain that all your family members are going through. Rest in peace, my son, rest in peace," said a very close relative of the teenager, apparently his father, in the emotional farewell.

At Kevin's funeral - of which it was initially said he was 16 years old, but the reality is even more dramatic because he was only 14 - his friends also attended, who had been at the Hospital Infantil Sur from the beginning. Dr. Antonio María Béguez César, the institution to which the minor was taken after the incident.

Mayeta reiterated this Thursday that in the unfortunate accident, other people were also injured, including the motorcycle driver, who remains hospitalized, and several other young people.

The mentioned communicator emphasized that the tribute to Kevin has extended beyond his burial and noted that friends and loved ones are gathered with photos and sweatshirts in the park at the square, on Santo Tomás Street, to remember him.

In recent days, Yosmany Mayeta had already shown other forms of tribute that a group of teenage friends of Kevin had paid to him.

In one of the images shared earlier, six people were seen, five of them very young, with their hand on the chest of the corpse of Kevin Quiala.

"A group of friends, with their hands on Kevin Quiala's chest, transmit their energies as a symbol of their friendship beyond death," noted the communicator about the striking image.

According to the version of the tragedy reported by Mayeta Labrada, Quiala Suárez -who was studying music- was leaving a bar with some friends when, while standing in the middle of the street, he did not notice that a motorcycle was coming and was hit, being thrown back after the impact. He died on the spot.

A witness identified as Yover Más Duro Guibert, who was with Quiala at the time of his death, expressed his shock at the tragic event and clarified that the deceased "was not drunk or anything like that."

"She simply crossed the street without looking and there was no time for anything. That happened right in front of me," she lamented.

The death of the young boy from Santiago adds to several dark days in Cuba, with constant reports of deaths from multiple causes.

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