A motorcyclist dies in an accident in Havana.

The accident occurred near the 100 and Boyeros bridge.

Escena del siniestro (i) y Víctima mortal (d) © Collage Facebook/Accidentes Buses & Camiones
Scene of the accident (i) and Fatal victim (d)Photo © Collage Facebook/Accidentes Buses & Camiones

A young motorcyclist died instantly this Sunday in the Havana municipality of Boyeros following a fatal accident that did not involve other vehicles, according to various sources in the Facebook group Accidents Buses & Camiones.

The victim was named "Yoan," he was about 22 years old and lived in the Embil neighborhood, in the Boyeros municipality.

Scene of the accident (Facebook/Accidentes Buses & Camiones)

Regarding the circumstances of the accident, there are at least a couple of versions, although all agree that the motorcyclist was apparently speeding.

Facebook Capture/Alexito Alexito

"The boy was coming at high speed and tried to avoid a pothole in the middle of the street. When he turned, he hit the curb and fell to the other side of the street. He died instantly. It's very sad what happened. I was there, that was in front of my work. My deepest condolences to family and friends. It seems he was very loved, as people came crying for him and he was young. May God keep his soul in a great place," wrote the internet user Gleydis Claro in the Facebook group.

"How much sadness! I was passing by at that moment. He is a 22-year-old young man, he didn't crash, he crossed over and died instantly from the impact on the curb. There were family members there crying. What a sadness! They say he was speeding," wrote Aylin Rojas.

"A boy on a motorcycle, dodging a pothole, fell off the bike, crashed, and was killed instantly. A friend of mine was coming behind him on his motorcycle and witnessed it," wrote Henry González.

Another version of the events suggests that the motorcyclist crashed into a pole at high speed and "his head was shattered."

The tragic event occurred near a P10 bus stop that is on the bridge at 100 and Boyeros.

A relative of the victim described him as "a really cheerful guy who got along with everyone, a partygoer."

"For God's sake, I can't believe it. Poor little sister and her mom!" concluded that same source.

As of the closing of this note, there are no other details about the tragedy, which adds to a long list of traffic accidents that have left a dark summer on Cuban roads.

In recent weeks, a growing number of serious accidents have been reported across the country, unfortunately, many of them with fatal outcomes.

However, although the population perceives an increase in traffic accidents in recent months, Cuban authorities stated at the beginning of July that in the first half of 2024, there were 543 fewer incidents reported in the country than in the same period the previous year.

In the official television program Mesa Redonda, Colonel Roberto Rodríguez Fernández, head of the Specialized Traffic Body of the Ministry of the Interior (MININT), also reported that there were 81 fewer fatalities (23%) and a reduction of 151 injuries (5%) between January and June of this year, compared to the same period in 2023.

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