A five-year-old boy dies in a traffic accident in Santiago de Cuba.

The minor passed away shortly after being hospitalized.

Ambulancia (i) (referencia) y El pequeño fallecido en el accidente (d) © Collage Redes sociales - Facebook/Yaimara Fuentes
Ambulance (i) (reference) and The little one who died in the accident (d)Photo © Collage Social Networks - Facebook/Yaimara Fuentes

A five-year-old boy passed away on Sunday afternoon in a traffic accident in Santiago de Cuba.

The minor, identified as Raúl Antonio Acosta Fuentes, was traveling with his father on a motorcycle when the driver - who was allegedly under the influence of alcohol - crashed into a bridge, according to journalist Yosmany Mayeta Labrada's report on social media.

The minor -who lived with his parents in a building in block B of the José Martí District- passed away minutes after arriving at the North Children's Hospital, known as "La Ondi."

The child's father was transferred to another hospital facility in the city. His clinical condition has not been specified.

In another more recent post, Mayeta Labrada identified the child’s father as Raúl Acosta, who would be an Agent of the Technical Investigations Department (DTI).

The communicator - citing testimonies from people with knowledge of the case - specified that the crash occurred with a bridge on the outskirts of Santiago de Cuba, in a place called El Palmar, specifically on the road at kilometer 11 and a half of the El Castillito neighborhood.

Mayeta Labrada shared that the child's mother, identified as Yaimara Fuentes, lashed out at him for echoing the news.

"Don't be so dirty with the pain of others, remove the photo of my son from your profile, because what you want is to gain followers, and you don't play with a mother's pain," the woman wrote, according to a screenshot shared by the communicator, who defended himself and said he did not intend to remove either the photo or the information from his page.

Yosmany Mayeta said that the tone of the reproach from the mother of the deceased child, more than a plea from a grieving mother going through a difficult situation, seemed like the words of "a repressor" in the service of the regime.

"I feel the loss of a child, but I condemn the wrong attitudes of driving under the influence of alcohol that caused this tragic accident and the loss of a minor. Our publications are always committed to the truth, the human condition, and the regrettable nature of each event, and we always call for reflection and the appropriate governmental response that should be taken in light of each incident," clarified Mayeta Labrada.

"I don't earn a single cent nor do I submit to anyone's pressure, especially from those who are subservient to a regime in power," he concluded.

In a third post, the journalist pointed out that "driving drunk with the child riding in the tank and at high speed should never be considered an accident. 'That's called murder,'" he concluded harshly.

Facebook Capture/Yosmany Mayeta Labrada

As of the closure of this note, there are no other details regarding the unfortunate death of the minor from Santiago.

In recent weeks, a rising number of serious accidents has been reported across the country, unfortunately many of them with fatal outcomes.

Although the population perceives an increase in traffic accidents in recent months, Cuban authorities stated at the beginning of July that in the first semester of 2024, there were 543 fewer incidents recorded in the country compared to the same period the previous year.

In the official government television program Mesa Redonda, Colonel Roberto Rodríguez Fernández, head of the Specialized Traffic Body of the Ministry of the Interior (MININT), also reported that there were 81 fewer fatalities (23%) and a reduction of 151 injuries (5%) between January and June of this year, compared to the same period in 2023.

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