Cuban cook wins 500 thousand dollars with scratch-off but it was fake.

In a TikTok video, the moment is captured when the man gazes at the open skies while imagining himself with such a large amount of money in his pocket.

A Cuban chef won 500 thousand dollars playing the scratch-off, but how great was his disappointment when, after the joy, he discovered that the lottery ticket was fake.

In a TikTok video, the moment is seen when the man envisions the skies opening as he imagines having such a large amount of money in his pocket.

Amid laughter and raising hands to the sky, she even falls to the floor, exclaiming in disbelief at such great luck: "Oh my God. Daddy God."

"The truth is that I felt very excited, very happy to have won that money. The plans I have with that money are to move forward; I honestly have no words," he is heard saying in the video while thinking about helping his family with the money but clarifying that he was not going to quit his job.

However, as the Cuban saying goes, "happiness in a poor man's house lasts little," and a few minutes later, disappointment came crashing down on him.

When they found out that the lottery ticket was fake, the cook's expression changed dramatically: "The truth is that I lost all hope, my joy came crashing down."

But this cook does not let himself be defeated by the bad moment and, with the purest "revolutionary spirit," he added: "Well, we continue in the fight, we move forward, we keep working, I keep putting in more effort, and that’s how we will carry on."

How would you react if something similar happened to you?

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Deneb González

Editor of CiberCuba Entertainment

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