Surprises her best friend in Cuba and the emotional reunion goes viral.

The video has emotional impact on social media.

An emotional surprise visit to Cuba has touched the hearts of many on TikTok, after a young woman, identified on the platform as Aliana Gómez, shared the moving moment when she surprised her best friend in her own home.

The video, initially posted on Instagram by this Cuban living in Miami and later shared on TikTok, has accumulated thousands of views and generated a countless number of reactions among users.

In the clip, Aliana arrives at her friend's room in Cuba, where she was sitting on her bed. "Are you hungry?" she asks her surprised friend, who couldn't believe she was there in front of her. Moments later, they embrace in a hug full of affection and tears, a reunion that reflects the intensity of their friendship.

"The cutest," wrote @aliana_gomez03 on TikTok while sharing the video that has already surpassed 10,000 likes and has touched a sensitive chord among Cubans who, due to distance and the situation in the country, cannot always be close to their loved ones.

Users have quickly expressed their feelings in the comments, ranging from joy to nostalgia: "I was left waiting for them to say they were hungry"; "Asere, I saw them with teary eyes and thought about the strong hug I'm going to give my siblings"; "My passion is crying for others"; "This is better than finding money!"; "The nicest thing that happened to me today!"; "You're hungry, they say hahaha"; "Oh no, I can't, I always cry with these videos"; "The hug I would give to all the people I miss"; "What joy, blessings"; "Let's not let it be known that I got caught with vatecasa"; "My day isn't coming"; and "Take it easy with these videos, I've been without seeing anyone from my family for 2 years, not even from the neighborhood," can be read among the hundreds of reactions.

This type of reunions, which have become common on social media, continue to remind us of the reality many Cubans face, separated from their loved ones due to difficult circumstances. It is not surprising that videos like Aliana's generate such an intense and emotional reaction, awakening a feeling of hope and connection in all those who long to embrace their dearest ones again.

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