To laugh! Cuban in the USA parodies conversation with his mom in Cuba.

Cuban in the USA triumphs with his parody of a conversation with his family in Cuba.

The Cuban Lil Lemon (@lillemon_oficial on TikTok), who lives in the United States, shared a funny video on his social media account in which he parodies a conversation with a relative in Cuba. A clip that has gone viral, as many Cubans have identified with this call...

In the clip titled "When you're depressed in the USA and your family encourages you," we see Lil Lemon talking on the phone with his mother who lives in Cuba. It's a conversation in which he laments his situation, and every sentence he says is met by his mother with a complaint about life in Cuba.

"I feel like I'm drowning," she says at the beginning, and in response, the voice on the phone tells her, "And us, imagine that in the block, we are the only ones without air conditioning." The conversation continues in the same manner until, in the end, her mother, without having hung up the phone, says that her son doesn't stop complaining every time he calls her.

This video has gained popularity among the Cuban community on the social network, where many have acknowledged that they experience the same thing when calling their relatives.

"My mom is just like that, you’re telling her about your situation and she interrupts to only talk about her problems." "Were you talking to my grandma by any chance?" "That's how my husband's (Cuban) conversations with his mother are, the poor guy tells me he feels they don't care, and even though the parents are in Spain, they're always crying about something." "This was my conversation from this morning." "So much truth in a video." "In Cuba, they'll never understand, you have to live it to understand it; I send what I can, when I can, and I don't give many explanations to the few I have left." "God, I thought it only happened to me. It’s literally like that," reacted some users upon seeing the parody.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor of CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from Rey Juan Carlos University in Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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