"You can": Family of Cuban victim of lightning on Florida beach has faith in their recovery

The tragic incident occurred on Saturday, August 31, at a beach in Naples.

Relatives of Adrián García, a 24-year-old Cuban who is in a coma after being struck by an electric shock at a beach in Naples on the west coast of Florida, are hopeful that he can recover.

"Your family doesn’t settle; we are here as you liked, you will never be alone. So get up, you can do it," can be read in a video shared on TikTok by Diosmary Arencibia, one of the people who was with the young man in the sea when lightning struck three members of a family.

In the images, the young man can be seen intubated while two family members are next to him listening to reggaeton.

In the comments section of the post, many people express their hopes for Adrián's speedy recovery and recommend to the family that they do not give up on their efforts to achieve it.

In the last few months, at least two other Cuban women who were victims of severe brain injuries managed to come out of their coma: one is the case of Arianna Hernández from Tampa; and the other case is that of Daymi Furcade, a resident of Texas.

In the case of Adrián García, the tragic event that has disrupted his life occurred on August 31 in Naples, in Collier County.

That day, after a brief rain, a group of people entered the sea. According to a previous account by Diosmary Arencibia, there were no thunderstorms and the sun was rising.

They were all very close to each other in the water when suddenly the lightning struck them. The electric shock affected three people, but Adrián was the most affected. The other two involved are out of danger.

The rescue scenes were filmed by content creator Reyvil García, who described the moment as "panic-inducing." García noted that it had rained shortly before the incident, but at the time it happened, the sky was clear. There were no signs indicating danger.

He commented that people, upon seeing what had happened, emerged from the water in shock, and some were running to get dressed to leave the area as quickly as possible.

In recent days, another Cuban family residing in West Park, in Broward County, experienced moments of anguish when a lightning strike hit their house. In this case, the electric discharge severely damaged a wall of the home that was close to a child's crib.

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