A mass is celebrated for the Virgen de la Caridad del Cobre in Valencia, Spain.

The Cubans gathered at the San Miguel de Soternes Parish in Valencia prayed to the Virgin of Charity of El Cobre for the people who still suffer the consequences of the regime.

Cuban residents in Valencia, Spain, joined this Sunday in the jubilee for the Day of the Virgen de la Caridad del Cobre, with displays of devotion to the holy image, considered the Patroness of Cuba.

The priest who officiated the mass at the San Miguel de Soternes Parish, dedicated to the Virgin of Charity of Cobre, stated that the regime in Cuba "seeks to perpetuate itself in power and with its provisions suffocates the thirst for freedom and progress of the majority."

In addition, he emphasized the importance of building a society free of exclusion and violence, where people are not discriminated against because of their religion, race, political orientation, or gender.

The priest asked that neither the love nor the gaze of God be turned away from Cuba, pleading for the protection of the island and its people.

In his prayer, he also mentioned the pain of those born on the island, referring to the difficult situation that thousands of people in the country are experiencing, speaking of “the Cubans who suffer, of the thousands of sick who do not have medicine,” and of those who, due to scarcity, “are lighting the stove only once a day.”

He emphasized, furthermore, the difficult situation of those who are persecuted for their ideas and face intimidation, control, and repression.

The priest expanded his plea, mentioning not only Cuba but also other countries such as Nicaragua and Venezuela, and nations immersed in armed conflicts. He acknowledged that pain remains present and that the desperate search for peace and freedom is a constant for many people around the world.

In addition, he emphasized that there are more than enough reasons to ask the Virgin of Charity to intercede for the people, highlighting the importance of faith in these times of difficulty.

During his speech, he mentioned the thousands of immigrants fleeing their lands, desperate from the terror of war or economic problems, and emphasized the difficult situation these people face, forced to leave their homes in search of a better life, among them the Cubans.

The priest also dedicated words to the young people who, without jobs and facing an uncertain future, must survive far from their homes, and he recalled the difficulties that new generations face in an increasingly adverse context.

“We are going to promise the Virgin tonight that we will not give up, that we will not be discouraged. That we will continue fighting and that we will continue to be supportive of our brothers who are there in Cuba,” he pointed out.

He also mentioned that everyone present could not allow "anything or anyone to take away our joy or our peace, because nothing and no one deserves for us to squeeze it."

As every September 8th, thousands of Cubans paid tribute to the Virgin of Charity of Copper, venerated as the Patroness of Cuba in the Catholic Church.

People from various provinces of Cuba and other countries attended the town of El Cobre, in Santiago de Cuba, to participate in the procession dedicated to the devotion of the Virgin Mary.

The news portal CubaNet shared a video on Facebook this Sunday showing the large crowd that walked through the streets of El Cobre behind the image of the Virgin of Charity.

The jubilee for the Patroness of Cuba was extended to several locations in the country.

In Havana, dozens of Cubans joined this Saturday the procession of the Virgin of Charity of El Cobre that passed through the streets of El Vedado, in the Havana municipality of Plaza de la Revolución.

The journey, started at the Parish of San Juan de Letrán - at 19th and J Street - extended to the Church of the Sacred Heart, at Línea and D.

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