Cuban actor expelled from ICRT arrives in the U.S. after denouncing Tras la Huella: "I hope MININT sees this photo"

The actor showed his arrival in the United States, where he was welcomed with traditional balloons featuring the flag of that country.

Arnold Yoandry Valiente © Facebook/Arnold Yoandry Valiente
Arnold Yoandry ValientePhoto © Facebook/Arnold Yoandry Valiente

The Cuban actor Arnold Yoandry Valiente, remembered for his participation in the dramatization on Cuban Television sponsored by the Ministry of the Interior (MININT) Tras La Huella, announced on his social media that he had arrived in the United States.

"Seven months with 28 days, seven planes, but I arrived," was the summary of his welcome to the United States, where he was received with the traditional balloons of that country's flag.

Arnold's departure from Cuba had taken place since January of this year, leaving on the well-known route of the Volcanes, as the Cubans have popularly nicknamed the journey through Central America.

"It is incredible that even at the last moment at the airport, your mind questions whether it is the right thing to do; a fountain of ideas makes you rethink everything until the very last moment," reflected the young actor on his Facebook profile.

During his time in Mexican lands, he worked in a restaurant, an experience that did not go unnoticed. "Grateful to be with fellow countrymen," he pointed out, in what appears to be a business run by Cubans in Mexico.

In 2022, Arnold reported on social media the lack of payment after recording some episodes of Tras La Huella. After this and the publication made by CiberCuba, it was confirmed that he was expelled from the Cuban Institute of Radio and Television (ICRT), an agency subordinate to the Cuban government. “I wish MININT saw this photo after the harm it did to me,” he commented.

"I'm not really into this... but since THE SAGA of one of the three chapters of TRAS LA HUELLA where I should appear next week has come out, I neither know nor am I interested!!! (...) It has been almost two months since its filming and I haven't been paid yet, even worse when I ask fellow actors if it's NORMAL they tell me that RTV owes them money since 2019," the artist wrote back then on his Facebook account.

The police itself is not exempt from the migratory exodus taking place on the island. In recent years, several of the actors who have starred in this program have left the island permanently or spend long periods of time outside the country.

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