A Latina recounts how much her daughter's birth cost in the U.S.: "Get ready for the charge on your credit card."

How much does childbirth cost in the United States?: Latina in Miami shares her experience and the video goes viral on TikTok

The TikTok user @alevegavalencia, a young Colombian living in Miami, has drawn attention on social media after sharing the cost of her daughter's birth in a hospital in the United States. In her video, which has already garnered over 555,000 views, she details the breakdown of hospital expenses and issues a warning to those planning to have children in the United States: "get ready for the charge on your credit card." Although the total bill amounted to $29,000, the TikToker clarified that she only paid "a little over 2,000" thanks to her health insurance.

Clarifying that she had a natural birth without complications, @alevegavalencia breaks down several of the costs involved: $7,000 for the obstetrician, more than $4,000 for the epidural anesthesia, and another $2,000 for admission through the emergency room, despite her stating that she arrived at the hospital "without emergencies." Additionally, $14,000 was for what the hospital referred to as "LDR Level 111," which corresponds to the cost of the room and care during the 48 hours she stayed in the hospital.

Fortunately, her insurance covered 90% of these costs, leaving her with a final bill of just over 2,000 dollars. "Thank God I have great insurance; otherwise, I would be here crying," she commented in response to one of her followers' questions.

User reactions to the video -which has over 550 thousand views and has already generated more than 7 thousand likes- came quickly. Many expressed astonishment at the high cost of childbirth: "In Italy it's true that it's a chaotic country, but I didn't pay anything for the cesarean section I had"; "With that money, in Panama, they clean your dark side every day in the best clinic," some commented.

Others shared their experiences with health insurance in the United States and reiterated the importance of choosing good coverage.

The post by @alevegavalencia has generated a broad debate about the costs of healthcare in different parts of the world and has prompted both messages of surprise and support as well as testimonials of lived experiences in the United States and other parts of the world. It has also served as a reminder for future parents to prepare financially if they plan to have children.

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