Blackouts in Cuba: The Electric Union forecasts an impact exceeding 700 MW.

The SEN reports disruptions due to a deficit of 720 MW for the peak hours of September 12, due to failures and lack of fuel.

The National Electric System (SEN) of Cuba announced blackouts this Thursday with a forecasted impact of over 700 MW.

During yesterday's shift, service interruptions were reported due to a generation capacity deficit, which began at 4:14 PM and extended until 2:55 AM this Thursday.

Facebook Electric Union UNE

The greatest impact occurred during peak hours, reaching 485 MW at 9:40 PM, coinciding with the highest energy demand of the day.

The availability of electric generation at 07:00 hours this Thursday was 2,450 MW, while the demand was 2,400 MW. However, a shortfall of 150 MW is expected around noon due to limitations in generation.

Units of the CTE continue to experience problems.

Unit 5 of the Rente thermoelectric power plant and Unit 2 of the Felton thermoelectric power plant are out of service due to a malfunction, while the limitations in thermal generation amount to 586 MW.

In addition, 43 distributed generation plants are out of service due to a lack of fuel, affecting a total of 280 MW.

The forecast for peak hour tonight estimates a capacity of 2,450 MW and a maximum demand of 3,100 MW, resulting in a deficit of 650 MW.

If the expected conditions are maintained, an impact of up to 720 MW on the electricity supply is anticipated during this period.

This situation reflects the difficulties that the country faces in the energy sector, with impacts that have been constant due to the lack of generation capacity and the instability in fuel supply.

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