Days go by, and nothing is known yet about Hubert Rodolfo Fonseca Rivero, a boatman who has been missing since Sunday afternoon.
"Please share, I am desperate," said his wife, Leidys Rodríguez, in the Facebook group "Missing in Cuba."

Leidys has urgently requested help in various groups on the Facebook platform to try to locate her husband.
He explained that on the day he disappeared, he raced with a friend to Tarará, a municipality in Havana del Este.
After leaving the traveler at the location, they hired him around 4:30 pm and since that moment, nothing more has been known about him.
On Monday, a report was made at unit 4 of the Police (n. 63847). Anyone who has seen Hubert Rodolfo Fonseca can call the number 56652894.
"I am his wife and I am desperate. I ask everyone for help, thank you," the woman pleaded.
Several internet users have requested that, in order for the complaint to gain clarity and effectiveness, details of the vehicle be provided, which is apparently a 1952 Chevrolet painted blue, although the shared photo does not allow for many details to be appreciated.
Leidys Rodríguez said in the comments that she did not have any other photos of the vehicle.
In recent years, reports of missing persons in Cuba have increased, coinciding with a rise in violence in a context marked by an unprecedented economic crisis.
Families turn to social media and independent media in desperation, seeking help to find their loved ones, lacking an official channel to bring visibility to these cases and with the police showing little interest in the cases.
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