Rachell Vallori resigns from Miss Universe Cuba 2024 for professional reasons.

Unexpected resignation at Miss Universe Cuba 2024 for professional reasons.

The Cuban model Rachell Vallori has announced her decision to withdraw from the Miss Universe Cuba 2024 competition. The resignation has been confirmed by her in a public letter released this week on her social media, where she expresses her gratitude towards the pageant organization and her supporters.

In her emotional letter, the young woman, who represented Isla de la Juventud, mentions that her decision is motivated by personal and professional commitments that prevent her from fully dedicating herself to the competition. Despite her withdrawal, she makes it clear that she will always represent Cuba and Cuban women in all her life projects. "I will carry the name of Cuba and of the Cuban woman high as it deserves," she stated firmly.

Rachell Vallori also took the opportunity to deeply thank the organization of Miss Universe Cuba for the chance to have been part of this "wonderful process" and for treating her with respect and support during her participation.

To her fellow contestants, whom she admires and respects, she wished them the best of success in the competition and highlighted feeling proud of each one of them, fully trusting in their ability to represent the country.

The model ended her message by thanking her followers for the unconditional support she has received throughout her career. "I am proud to say that I am Cuban wherever I stand, and with your support, I understood that even though Cubans are scattered around the world, in the end, we are all one," she emphasized, assuring that "Rachell is here to stay."

With this decision, Vallori bids farewell to the competition but continues with his commitment to represent his country and culture in all future projects.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor of CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University in Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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