Young Cuban moves social media with reunion with her grandparents in Cuba

A Cuban woman reunites with her grandparents in a touching video she posted on TikTok.

A Cuban named Carmen Aguilera (@aguileracarmen1) starred in an emotional reunion with her grandparents in Cuba. A return that was recorded and shared by the young woman on her TikTok profile, receiving congratulatory messages from dozens of internet users on the platform who have watched the video.

The audiovisual captures the moment when she arrives at her relatives' home and shares a warm embrace with her grandfather, filled with emotions and tears. In the next scene, we can see the young woman hugging her grandmother.

"Crying for strangers is my passion. God bless them, that is the most beautiful joy. Being able to have that hug is priceless," "God has to give me the opportunity to hug my children and my parents again. He knows all the suffering I endure every day," "Unique moments full of so much happiness and emotions, thank God for allowing those reunions that we need so much. Thousands of blessings," "Those are the most important luxuries in this world, going back to our home and a strong hug from family, that is priceless, blessings," or "Congratulations, we all await that moment," are some of the comments left for this Cuban.

"I dreamed so much about these moments. I have no way to thank God for allowing me to hug them again. I love them," wrote the young woman when posting this video on Instagram.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor of CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University in Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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