Cuba under blackouts: The energy crisis deepens day by day.

For this Wednesday, a capacity impact of 1390 MW is forecasted during peak hours.

  • CiberCuba Editorial

The energy crisis deepens in Cuba, where blackouts last more hours every day in all the provinces.

On Tuesday, the service was affected for 24 hours due to a generation capacity deficit, and it had not been restored by this morning.

The maximum impact was 1347 MW at 10:00 PM, higher than the 1030 MW planned, and social media was filled with reports from users who experienced blackouts of up to 16 hours in various locations.

The increase, according to the report from Unión Eléctrica (UNE), was due to the shortage of diesel fuel in the distributed generation plants and the unexpected outages of units 6 and 1 of the thermoelectric plants Nuevitas and Santa Cruz, respectively.

Facebook Capture / Electric Union UNE

This Wednesday at 7:00 am, the availability of the National Electroenergetic System (SEN) was 1830 MW and the demand was 2790 MW, with 959 MW affected. By noon, a greater disruption was estimated, amounting to 1150 MW.

During peak hours, the deficit will be 1320 MW, with an impact of 1390 MW.

Six blocks from the CTE Mariel, Santa Cruz, Nuevitas, Felton, and Rente are out of order.

Additionally, 59 distributed generation plants are out of service due to a lack of fuel (582 MW affected), and the limitations in thermal generation are 424 MW.

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