A police officer among those arrested for the murder of a Cuban doctor in Spain.

In August, the Cuban pediatrician Rafael Piorno Fermoselle was murdered in his home in Aguadulce, Almería. The police found his body bound and with several stab wounds.

Rafael Piorno Fermoselle / Guardia Civil detiene a los presuntos autores del crimen © Facebook / Rafael Piorno Fermoselle y Guardia Civil
Rafael Piorno Fermoselle / Civil Guard detains the alleged perpetrators of the crimePhoto © Facebook / Rafael Piorno Fermoselle and Civil Guard

Spanish authorities have arrested three suspects involved in the murder of Cuban pediatrician Rafael Piorno Fermoselle, a resident of Almería for more than two decades.

La Voz de Almería reported that among those arrested is an agent of the National Police of El Ejido. The Civil Guard of the locality, as part of Operation Alhabana, arrested the suspects on September 17 in León, Almería, and Roquetas de Mar.

The lifeless body of Dr. Piorno, 76 years old, was found in his home in Aguadulce on August 25, showing evident signs of violence. Since then, authorities have focused their investigation on the close circle of the doctor, as they suspected that the deceased had some connection with those responsible for the crime.

Advances in police investigation

The forensic analysis placed the doctor's death on August 23, and advancements in the investigation indicated that one of the detainees personally knew the victim and used that familiarity to plan the murder.

Another one of those involved, according to the investigators, traveled from León to actively participate in the crime.

The residential records in León, Aguadulce, and Roquetas de Mar, as well as in a location in Almería, have provided key evidence linking the detainees to the murder, which has allowed for clarification of the circumstances of the crime.

A planned crime

Police investigations indicate that this is a planned murder. The victim was found with their hands tied and several stab wounds.

It is presumed that those responsible acted in a coordinated manner, using various alibis to approach the doctor and erase any trace of their involvement in the events.

The Number One Investigating Court of Roquetas de Mar has ordered provisional imprisonment for two of the three arrested, while the third remains under investigation.

The Cuban doctor was beloved in his community.

The Cuban doctor Rafael Piorno arrived in Almería more than 20 years ago. He was originally from Santiago de Cuba. He graduated in Orthopedic and Traumatological Surgery from the University of Havana. In Spain, he practiced in the public health sector.

He was a respected person both in his professional field and for his participation in the community. After a distinguished career in the Andalusian public health system, he founded a private practice in his home in Aguadulce, where he continued to care for patients despite being retired.

This murder has shocked the local community, which remembers Dr. Piorno for his dedication and service to others. Investigations are still ongoing as authorities try to uncover the motives behind this violent crime.

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