Three Cuban immigrants detained after police chase in Guatemala.

The National Civil Police of Guatemala captured a coyote who was transporting four immigrants in his truck: three Cuban women - aged 51, 25, and a 16-year-old minor - and a 42-year-old Jordanian man. Authorities did not reveal their names.

Arresto del coyote y auto que trasladaba a cuatro inmigrantes, tres son cubanas © Facebook/Periodista Juan Víctor Castillo
Arrest of the coyote and car transporting four immigrants, three of whom are Cuban.Photo © Facebook/Journalist Juan Víctor Castillo

After a chase lasting nearly five kilometers, agents from the National Civil Police (PNC) of Guatemala captured a coyote who was carrying four undocumented immigrants in his truck, three of whom are women of Cuban nationality.

During an operation at kilometer 42.5 on the route to the Atlantic, San Antonio La Paz, El Progreso, agents from the General Subdirectorate of Antinarcotics Information Analysis (SGAIA) arrested Cristian “N,” 20 years old, who was transporting four undocumented individuals in a pick-up with license plates P-829JWQ, the PNC reported in a statement this Thursday.

Facebook capture/PNCdeGuatemala

The four immigrants, three Cuban women -ages 51, 25, and a minor of 16- and a 42-year-old man of Jordanian nationality, were detained. Authorities did not reveal their names.

According to the press release, the arrest occurred after a chase of about five kilometers.

Facebook Capture/Journalist Juan Víctor Castillo

Local media and journalists identified the coyote as Cristian Josué Quevedo Melgar and specified that the police chase ended at kilometer 38 on the route to the Atlantic.

The police reported that the four immigrants were provided with food and water and were subsequently transferred to the Guatemalan Migration Institute "for their return to their countries of origin."

Guatemala is one of the Central American countries that Cuban migrants and those of other nationalities cross while en route to the southern border of the United States.

In the midst of the largest migratory exodus in the history of Cuba, immigrants from the island risk their lives in this dangerous journey, determined to reach Mexico and obtain a CBP One appointment, to present themselves at a port of entry to the U.S. and apply for asylum in this country.

During their transit through several countries, many migrants are detained by authorities or run the risk of becoming victims of criminal gangs and suffering traffic accidents.

This month, two Cuban immigrants and more than 30 individuals of other nationalities emerged unharmed from an accident that occurred on a road in southern Guatemala when the bus they were traveling in overturned.

At the end of August, four agents of the National Civil Police were arrested for being involved in cases of extortion against migrants, including several Cubans, who use the country as a transit point to reach the United States.

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