Spanish family showcases their ancestors' house in Havana.

It is a magnificent manor house in El Vedado that, despite being deteriorated, is a solid and beautiful construction that still retains its majesty.

Casa en El Vedado © Facebook / Fotos de La Habana / Francisco Guijarro 
House in El VedadoPhoto © Facebook / Photos of Havana / Francisco Guijarro

A Spaniard showed on Facebook what could be his wife's ancestors' house in Havana.

Francisco Guijarro, married to a Cuban who moved to Spain at the age of five, has been researching what could be the family home of his partner.

Photo: Facebook / Photos of Havana / Francisco Guijarro

"I don't have absolute certainty, but everything I have studied leads me to believe that this was the house in El Vedado of Juan Ignacio de Armas y Céspedes (my wife Consuelo Primelles's great-grandfather)," he said in the group "Fotos de La Habana."

Photo: Facebook / Photos of Havana / Francisco Guijarro

Guijarro shared images of a magnificent manor house that, despite suffering the deterioration seen in most homes in Cuba, shows that years ago it was a solid and beautiful construction and still retains its majesty.

Photo: Facebook / Photos of Havana / Francisco Guijarro

According to what he recounted, Juan Ignacio de Armas y Céspedes, his wife's great-grandfather, was a member of the Royal Academy of History of Madrid and the Anthropological Society of Italy. "He wrote several books on the origin of Creole language that, incredibly enough, are still being published and that we have been able to buy on Amazon!" he noted.

Photo: Facebook / Photos of Havana / Francisco Guijarro

"Today my children carry in their blood the names of illustrious Cuban surnames such as Agramonte, Primelles, De Armas, Céspedes, Zayas Bazán, Socarras, and I am very proud of it, missing that wonderful Cuban land that we love dearly," he detailed.

Photo: Facebook / Photos of Havana / Francisco Guijarro

The post generated a lot of interest among the members of the Facebook group.

Facebook Capture / Photos of Havana / Francisco Guijarro

Many agree that the building is located on 17th Street between H and I, and it belongs to the Cuban Institute of Friendship with the Peoples (ICAP), whose headquarters is also on 17th Street but on the opposite sidewalk.

Everyone laments its state of deterioration, as is the case with so many properties belonging to individuals that the regime confiscated from their rightful owners and that years later remain in conditions of total abandonment and destruction.

"In Cuba, all of that is being lost over the years; the history, the places, the buildings of the past are being forgotten," said a family father.

For his part, Francisco Guijarro spoke about his passion for Cuban history and for the many incredibly important historical figures that it pains him to see forgotten.

"Behind every house in El Vedado and many other areas of Havana and other cities in Cuba, there are fascinating stories of great fighters who have left a very important mark in the world of history, culture, medicine, and economics," she detailed.

"I feel immense sorrow that [the mansion on 17th Street] is going to collapse. It is an irreparable loss for the family's history and, like many other structures that fall, a huge loss for the history of a country and its people whom I love with all my heart," he expressed.

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