"Girl, this is not Cuba": Just arrived in the USA tries to grab a bottle and sparks reactions on TikTok.

"But you just arrived yesterday from Cuba and you don't know that it's not like this here?" says the person recording the scene.

A recently arrived Cuban in the United States starred in a funny moment while trying to "catch a ride" (hitchhike) in the middle of the night, just as she did in her home country. In a video shared by the user @lapatrona0801, the young woman is seen standing at the side of the road while a woman, who is recording her, jokingly asks, "What are you doing there, girl?" The newcomer confidently replies, "Well, girl, I’m signaling to catch a ride." Without wasting time, the woman recording warns her that "this is not Cuba," referring to the cultural differences when arriving in the United States.

The newcomer, however, appears unconcerned: “I don't mind being stranded.” The conversation also references the Cuban's experiences at a Dollar Tree, where she went to buy food, which generated more laughter in the discussion.

User reactions were immediate, and the post, accompanied by the hashtag #recienllegados and with more than a thousand interactions, has provoked both humorous and empathetic comments.

"Everyone who arrived in the USA made a fool of themselves upon arrival"; "Don't be embarrassed, in this country we all had a first day"; "She is a complete show"; "What a way to make me laugh"; "Many things happen when we arrive in this country"; "She's still green, but little by little she will mature"; "How funny," is read in the messages, among which there were also other more serious reactions from people concerned about the assumption that it was true and widespread that in the island one would go in search of "being with men."

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