Cuban shares the advantages and disadvantages of living in South Carolina: "Here you can leave the car unlocked."

A Cuban shares her experience in South Carolina: Pleasant climate and quality schools, but with high taxes.

The Cuban Yaema Galguera (@yaemagalguera on TikTok) has shared her impressions of her life in South Carolina, reflecting on the advantages and disadvantages she has encountered since moving to this area of the United States.

Among the positive aspects, the pleasant climate of the place stands out. Although it cannot be compared to that of Florida, he states that South Carolina enjoys four seasons. "Here, the cold doesn't kill you; you can go outside," he explains, emphasizing that, although it rarely snows, the climate is more moderate.

Another positive point, according to her account, is the tranquility. Although some might think it is a rural area, she assures that she has access to large stores and shopping centers, like Walmart, just minutes from her home. "Don't imagine that it's a countryside; it's a spectacular and tranquil place," she comments in her video.

Yaema also mentions that safety is one of the most valuable aspects of the state. "You can leave your car unlocked and no one will touch anything, the same goes for packages," he assures. He recounts that crime is almost non-existent and that he can trust that his belongings will be safe, even if he leaves them at his front door. Additionally, he highlights the courtesy and respect among people: "They always greet you in the street, in stores, everywhere. You feel well treated."

On the other hand, she highlights that car insurance is cheaper compared to other states like Florida. In her case, she pays $460 for two vehicles, an amount that, according to her, is what others would pay for just one in Florida. Additionally, she mentions that the cost of rent is more affordable than in other areas of the country.

However, not everything is perfect. Among the aspects he dislikes, he mentions that all residents must pay taxes, including the annual car taxes, which he considers high. "It's a really big annual expense," he comments, although he clarifies that he pays it gladly because "thanks to them my daughters go to spectacular schools."

Another negative point is the lack of job opportunities compared to other places. Although she has been lucky to find a stable job, she knows several people who have had difficulties obtaining work in the area. "There is not as much work here as there is in other places," she points out. Furthermore, with few Latinos and a limited Cuban community, it becomes more challenging to access certain resources or information that could make life easier for newcomers.

Finally, it mentions that language is another challenge for those who do not master English and warns that people who do not speak it will face greater difficulties in finding work in South Carolina.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor at CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from King Juan Carlos University in Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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Izabela Pecherska

Izabela Pecherska

Editor at CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from Rey Juan Carlos University in Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.