Cuban reacts to efficiency rental for 950 dollars in Miami: "Stop abusing"

Cuban in Miami, surprised to see the high rental price of a small efficiency in Miami.

A Cuban from Miami (@anaydayan) couldn't help but react to the announcement of an efficiency he saw on the social network TikTok. A video in which he shows the footage of the place being rented in the City of the Sun to share his opinion on the rentals in the area.

"Look at how the rents are in Miami," the Cuban in the video begins, before showing the exterior and interior of the efficiency. As soon as you enter the place, you can see a small kitchen and next to it, the bathroom.

The man does not hide his amazement at seeing the small space in which one is supposed to live for a price of 950 dollars a month. "You sleep in the kitchen, the bathroom has no door. There is no closet. 950 dollars. It’s crazy!" he exclaims. As he continues recording, he points out that there isn't enough space to live comfortably and wonders, "What has happened to this city?"

The Cuban calls for reason and denounces what he considers an abuse in rental prices: "Stop the abuse, look at this," he states, showing the small space he describes as "a little shed," where belongings are stored, but with conditions that, according to him, do not justify the high cost.

The video, which has generated numerous comments and reactions on social media, has sparked a debate about the rental crisis in Miami.

"It got out of control," "Gentlemen, don’t stay in Miami. The blame lies with the same people who stay and rent all that," "Bro, it’s not abuse, it’s called the market, simple, too many of us have arrived at the same place, not just us, people from all over are coming here, demand skyrockets, supply increases," "With $950 here in Kentucky, you can find a 2-bedroom apartment," "At least it’s independent, a room inside a house with no separate entrance and no right to cook costs you $950," "Mine costs $1,110 and is quite similar. Hialeah. I’m eager to move to another place," are some of the reactions to this video.

What do you think?


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Izabela Pecherska

Editor of CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from Rey Juan Carlos University in Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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