A commercial for an Audi goes viral in Cuba for an unexpected detail: "What deserves a photo here is the bread."

A sales announcement for an Audi in Cuba goes viral due to an unexpected detail.

Social media are tools with thousands of uses. From making friendships, finding love, staying in touch with people from other countries, having fun with content, getting informed about current events, and yes, also selling things so they can have a second life in someone else's hands.

One of the platforms that allows this is Facebook, which has a sales section where you can find offers. However, the user @brayan_wh29 did not overlook an ad for an Audi in Cuba that he found on the Marketplace and had to share it on TikTok, where it has gone viral.

The ad, which indicates that a 2012 Audi RS6 is for sale in Cuba for the price of 55 thousand dollars, shows several photos of the vehicle. However, there is one that has an unexpected detail that has turned this ad into a viral phenomenon.

In one of the photos, which shows the interior of the car, you can see through the passenger window that there are two young people in the street taking a selfie, each holding several loaves of bread. This detail has been widely discussed on TikTok.

The video of this ad was shared with the already iconic audio "Tato, what is this my brother?", and among the reactions, we find messages such as: "We'll talk about the price of the car later, but the selfie with the bread, that's on another level," "Right now those loaves are worth more than the Audi," "Bread is worth more in Cuba than the car," "It's just that those loaves don't come by every day, you have to show them off," "I would give that money, but for the little breadsticks," "The loaves are worth more than the Audi, that's real luxury," "It's the same achievement in Cuba: buying an Audi or four loaves of bread. It's the same," or "What deserves the photo is the bread, the Audi can't be eaten."

The contrast of the image, in which a luxury car coexists with the difficulty of obtaining essential food, once again highlights the economic reality of Cuba.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor at CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the King Juan Carlos University in Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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