A prisoner swallows a spoon in protest against his sentence in Guantánamo.

This event occurred in Camp A 500, in the province of Guantánamo.

Preso se traga cuchara en cárcel de Guantánamo © Facebook/Yonimiler Del Rio Polo
Prisoner swallows spoon in Guantánamo prison.Photo © Facebook/Yonimiler Del Rio Polo

A Cuban prisoner, incarcerated in Camp A 500 in Guantánamo province, swallowed a spoon as an act of protest against the accusations the regime has against him.

The inmate, identified as Yunior Téllez Díaz, "claimed to have swallowed a spoon to draw attention to an injustice committed against him. He was accused of the crimes of damage and assault. He was beaten severely and is experiencing immense pain in his abdomen," reported on Facebook Yonimiler del Rio Polo, president of the Mario Manuel de La Peña Human Rights Movement.

Facebook Capture/Yonimiler Del Rio Polo

Although the publication does not provide more details about the case, this fact is part of the wave of repression and fear that imprisoned Cubans are exposed to, especially those who have been convicted of alleged harm to the state or violations of the Constitution.

Moreover, living conditions inside Cuban prisons have alarmingly worsened due to inadequate food, a shortage of medicines, deficiencies in hygiene products, and generally unacceptable conditions, according to reports from inmates and their families.

On this topic, activist Ania Zamora, mother of Sissi Abascal, a 26-year-old political prisoner sentenced to six years in prison for participating in protests in July 2021, told Martí Noticias that the crisis affects both the inmates and their families, who "have to bring them everything."

"In prison, the food is terrible, terrible and very little. There are times when they don't even go down to the dining area because they can't eat it. Those who are sick have no medication. The plague of mosquitoes, bedbugs, everything," he explained.

In March of this year, political prisoner Reinier Calderín Socarrás reported the lack of medications and the existence of poor sanitary conditions in the Kilo 8 prison in Camagüey.

Even Cuban non-governmental organizations have called attention to the deaths of Cuban prisoners under irregular conditions.

As was the case with the death of an inmate in the provincial prison of Kilo 7, located in the province of Camagüey, due to a virus and physical and psychological abuse received from his jailers.

These facts are compounded by the recent revelation that at least two inmates died in prisons on the island in August due to medical negligence and inadequate healthcare, according to a report from the Center for Documentation of Cuban Prisons.

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