Cuban in the United States: I need my mom to send me food from my country because I don't like the food here.

"I send her food over there and she sends me food over here, and that's how we are: I'm over there and she's over here."

A young Cuban living in the United States, (@nathyy.zaldivar.t on TikTok), has sparked debate online after admitting in a video that she doesn't like food from the United States and prefers the food that her mother sends her from Cuba.

In the clip, Nathyy Zaldivar Toro explained that beans in the U.S. do not taste the same as in her home country.

"I need my mom to send me food from my country because I don't like the food here, I don't like it," she stated in the post, where she mentioned that every month she receives beans, peas, and other Cuban products from her mother, as "the food here just doesn't have any flavor to me."

Additionally, the influencer mentioned that the problem is not limited to food, as she also prefers her mother to send her medicines from Cuba, even though she also sends products from the U.S. to her family on the island. "The medicines that relieve my pain and everything are the medicines from there, how ironic life is! So I send over there because they like the ones from here, and I don't like the ones from here, and they send me the ones from there, what madness!" she added, referring to this curious exchange between the two shores.

The post has generated numerous comments, including users showing empathy and sharing opinions about it: “I totally agree with you, the food doesn’t taste the same”; “Even the meats don’t taste the same”; “I have the same experience, but I have to eat it, it doesn’t have the same flavor, I would give anything for avocado with flour and picadillo, of course soy-based”; “I love your content”; “I went to Cuba, I had never been before, and the buns there have more flavor than the ones here”; “The meats, especially pork and chicken, are fed more naturally in Cuba, some have pointed out.

There were also those who took the topic humorously, like a user who said: "Well, you definitely need some screws. I understand the medicine, they don't prescribe the same thing here, but I'm telling you about the food now!"

Others considered that it is because they have been in the country for a short time, but over time they will end up adapting.

What do you think?


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