A man from Artemisa runs over the owner of a motorcycle after stealing it.

Mikelish Salgado, from Candelaria, is wanted for beating, stealing the motorcycle, and running over its owner, a 25-year-old man, in San Cristóbal, Artemisa, according to reports from the victim's family.

El dueño de la moto, un joven de 25 años, fue golpeado y atropellado por el delincuente que le robó la moto © Facebook/Julio César Blanco González
The owner of the motorcycle, a 25-year-old young man, was beaten and run over by the criminal who stole the motorcycle.Photo © Facebook/Julio César Blanco González

A man is being sought in Artemisa for assaulting a 25-year-old motorcycle owner, stealing the motorcycle, and running over him with it, causing serious injuries for which he was hospitalized, according to reports from the victim's relatives.

The events occurred last Sunday around 11 in the morning, in San Cristóbal, Artemisa, and the alleged aggressor and thief is named Mikelish Salgado and is from Candelaria, in the same province, reported on social media Julio César Blanco González, the uncle of the young victim, whose name has not been disclosed.

Blanco detailed the specifics of the incident in several Facebook posts, where he has consistently warned that Salgado remains on the run somewhere in the area after escaping on his victim's motorcycle.

"This is the story of a young man who, to feed his children, goes out on his motorcycle to give rides for hire, always with his smile, which was extinguished by this murderous thief, who attacked him at 11 am to take his motorcycle and then ran over him," Blanco reported on Sunday. "The young man is now praying with serious injuries and has been sent to Havana. The murderer is named Mikeli Salgado. This happened in San Cristóbal, Artemisa; if you see him, call the police, he is on the run."

Facebook CaptureJulio Cesar Blanco Gonsales

In other posts shared in groups on the social network, he specified that his nephew "was struggling to make a living (with his motorcycle) to feed his little ones, one a few months old and the other three years old" and that his attacker "hit him and ran over him" with the vehicle.

Facebook capture/Julio Cesar Blanco Gonsales in Revolico Candelaria

Blanco requested assistance to locate the whereabouts of the criminal, who claimed to be in Candelaria.

"Help if you know something, don't be complicit by hiding such a thief, call the police if you know anything. He's on the loose, the next victim could be a family member of yours," she warned, and revealed a piece of information that could help capture the attacker: "If you know who his current partner is, she was with him and they ran over someone with the stolen motorcycle."

Facebook captureJulio Cesar Blanco Gonsales in Revolico Candelaria

A woman stated in one of the posts that Salgado has been incarcerated before and can be dangerous: "Cubans, this man can attack any relative or friend; he is a former convict. Please, anyone who sees him, notify the relevant authorities. He has no scruples; he attacked a young man to steal his motorcycle and after hitting him, ran over him with the motorcycle. The young man is in a hospital in Havana fighting for his life."

"Should not receive help from anyone, report quickly, if you see him, to the Police. Thank you, justice, justice, justice, (to) people like him must face the full weight of the law," he emphasized.

Another woman claimed to have seen the attacker that same Sunday in the Las Mangas area while he was walking with the motorcycle.

Cuba is experiencing an unprecedented rise in crime due to the increasing number of robberies, assaults, and violent crimes throughout the country, which citizens report daily on social media.

In Holguín, two cases of burglary were reported this month, where the thieves took everything they found, even the silverware.

In the Peñas Altas neighborhood, in Matanzas, four individuals violently broke into a house where a couple, their young son, and an elderly person reside.

The criminals threatened the man with a bladed weapon, and they hit his wife in the face and injured her hand. According to the victims' account, they were looking for dollars, and when they didn't find any money, they took the family's equipment and personal belongings.

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