Cuban woman in the USA breaks down in tears: "My son turns 10, he's in Cuba and I can't hug him."

Cuban mother breaks down in tears for not being able to be with her son in Cuba for his birthday after almost four years without seeing him.

TikTok user @xxxtextaxiion, also known as Solach, has moved her followers on the platform after posting a video in which, through tears, she shared her pain over the separation from her children.

The Cuban, who lives in Massachusetts, shared a video on the occasion of her son's birthday, from whom she has been separated for almost four years. “You have no idea how bad I feel. Today my boy turns 10 years old, he is in Cuba, and for three years, almost four, I haven't been able to see him or hug him,” confessed Solach, visibly affected. She also mentioned that she left her two children in Cuba with the hope of reaching the “American dream,” but now her greatest wish is to return to her country and reunite with them and her mother.

"I wanted to come to the United States in pursuit of the American dream... and now my dream is to want to return to my country, to be able to see my children, my mom, my family, to be able to hug them," she stated nostalgically in her heartfelt video, in which she confessed that the loneliness she experiences in her current life is immense: "Here I have no one, loneliness kills you."

The video, which features the instrumental song "Boundless Worship" by Josué Novais in the background, has generated a wave of solidarity among users of the platform, many of whom identified with her pain and left messages of support and encouragement, highlighting that emigration, although difficult, is a sacrifice that many Cuban mothers make for the well-being of their children.

"I understand you, my life, I am in your situation, we have to be strong, soon we will have them with us"; "I don't know you, but I am a mother and I can feel your pain. Much strength"; "You came here looking for a future for yourself and for them, think that you can claim them, be strong, all of this is for their future"; "I went through that 23 years ago, back then there was no internet, only calls via prepaid cards... it was very tough, but I made it. My son came after six years of having claimed him"; "That is the price we all emigrants pay, we must be aware that it is very hard, but it is worth it," some commented.

The case of this Cuban sadly reflects a reality shared by thousands of Cubans who, in search of a better life abroad, face the separation from their loved ones. The Cuban migration drama continues to leave deep scars on families, especially among those who, like Solach, struggle to maintain contact with their loved ones while building a future in distant lands.

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