Unleashed dog chases a rooster and causes chaos on a street in Miami.

A dog without a leash chases a rooster on a street in Miami. Humans pursue them, causing chaos and sparking debate on social media.

A curious and chaotic incident was captured on a street in Miami when an unleashed dog began to chase a rooster, causing a commotion in the area.

The video of the incident was posted on the popular Instagram account Only in Dade, generating all kinds of reactions among users, who did not hesitate to joke about the unusual encounter between the predator and its prey.

In the images, it can be seen how the dog caught the bird, and several people chase it in an attempt to save the rooster's life and restrain the dog.

People were causing more problems in the street than the animals, as they chased after the dog without success, hindering the flow of vehicles on the road.

Some of the comments on social media highlighted the owner's lack of responsibility for not keeping the dog leashed.

"That's why they should be kept on a leash... the owner is very irresponsible," expressed an outraged user.

It is not known whether the rooster survived the dog attack in the middle of the street. The incident sparked comments about the hunting instincts of certain dog breeds, such as in this case a Siberian husky, known for their high predatory drive.

"I feel sorry for the rooster, but this is not the dog's fault. The dog's owner has failed by not controlling his pet. It could have chased other animals, even small dogs," another person warned.

Although the end of the confrontation between the dog and the rooster was not captured on camera, the uproar on social media continues with thousands of users sharing their opinions about the curious incident that, as many agreed, could only happen in Miami.

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