Cuban woman in Texas recounts how she got her little dog off the island.

In the reactions to the video, many followers asked for more information on how to bring their own pets, while others thanked him for his testimony.

Cuban creator Claudia Aritlesa (@claudiaartilesa), who lives in Odessa, Texas, shared on TikTok the story of how she managed to bring her dog Mía from Cuba to the United States.

The video has received thousands of likes and has sparked the curiosity of its followers, who keep asking how he did the whole process.

Claudia explained that, a few months after arriving in the United States, she decided to bring her pet, Mía, who was on the island, with her. For this reason, she contacted a person she found on TikTok, recommended by another girl who had already brought her puppy. "I wrote to her to explain how the process worked and what the steps were to follow," she recounts in her video.

The first step was to ensure that Mía had the rabies vaccine and an identification chip. If it couldn't be done in Cuba, the chip would be placed in Mexico, since the dog would have a layover in that country before arriving in Texas. "Mía left Cuba on a Friday, spent Saturday in Mexico, and by Sunday she was already with me in San Antonio," she recounted in the video where she celebrated that everything went perfectly.

The video generated an avalanche of reactions, where many followers asked for more information on how to bring their own pets, and others thanked her for her testimony.

Stories like that of this young woman are becoming increasingly common, especially among Cubans who emigrate to the United States and do not want to leave their pets behind. Not long ago, a Cuban made headlines by welcoming his dog with balloons after bringing it from Cuba, demonstrating once again the immense sentimental value these animals have for their owners.

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