Criminals enter a house and tie up its occupants to rob them in Holguín.

The incident occurred in the early hours of September 22 on 14th Street in the Urbano Noris municipality.

No Pase Policía cubana © Portal
Do Not Pass Cuban PolicePhoto © Portal

The inhabitants of a house in the municipality of Urbano Noris, in Holguín, experienced moments of tension when three alleged thieves broke in to rob and left them tied up to carry out their misdeeds.

The incident occurred in the early morning of September 22 in 14th Street of the aforementioned locality, according to the Facebook profile associated with the Ministry of the Interior (MININT) "Cazador-Cazado."

Facebook Capture/Hunter-Hunted

The source indicates that the alleged criminals, after threatening the residents in the house with knives and tying them up, stole “more than 19 thousand pesos, cell phones, clothing, a gold chain, a television, and even a private motorcycle ETZ.”

It also states that two of the alleged thieves are being held, thanks to the fact that "several people collaborated with the process," while the third person is being sought by the police.

However, in the comments section of the post, some users have expressed doubts about the identity of one of the suspects, stating that there is evidence that on the night of September 22 he was with other people. It is advisable to wait for official confirmation of the events.

Facebook Capture/Hunter-Hunted

The truth is that this fact is still under investigation and it adds another stone to the already battered reputation of the Cuban police, which has been harshly criticized for its passivity in acts of murder or crime, which have become so common on the island.

Just over a month ago, in San Germán, also in Urbano Noris, a family experienced moments of tension and uncertainty during a violent assault that resulted in an hour of kidnapping.

The family consisted of three individuals: a woman, her husband, and a minor, who is the woman's grandson.

In that case, it was also three "heavily armed" individuals who "burst into the house, subjecting its residents to an hour of anguish and fear."

The three individuals were gagged by the criminals for an hour, during which they took the opportunity to steal an MZ motorcycle, the lady's gold chain, her earrings, and several appliances.

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