Children born in the United States visit an amusement park in Cuba.

Upon arriving at the attractions, the children encountered old and rusty rides that did not meet their expectations for speed and fun.

Niños en el parque de diversiones de Camagüey © TikTok / JMCapote
Children at the amusement park in CamagüeyPhoto © TikTok / JMCapote

The excitement of visiting an amusement park in Cuba quickly turned into disappointment for a group of children born in the United States.

The internet user known on TikTok as Jensy (JMCapote) posted a video in which she showcased her children's experience when she took them to visit the Camilo Cienfuegos amusement park in Camagüey.

Upon arriving at the attractions, the children encountered old, rusty devices that did not meet their speed expectations.

The games were in poor condition and neglected, and the little ones assured that it was simply "boring."

They also expressed their frustration at seeing that the cotton candy, instead of the rainbow colors they requested, was a monotonous brown tone due to the use of brown sugar.

The children didn't even want to touch it because they said the cotton was dirty, the mother reported. They were also not interested in the rustic and plastic toys sold in the park.

At the end of her video, the internet user claims that she couldn't stop thinking about the Cuban children who are growing up without knowing a world of different entertainment.

"It hurts me to think that they have never seen anything better," he commented, while dealing with the frustration of his children.

To top it off, during their stay on the island, the family witnessed the poor handling of food, as after ordering a piece of meat, they saw that before it was served, it was thrown onto a tarpaulin on the floor, dragged across the ground, and even a man walked over it with his boots.

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