The campaign treasurer of Otaola is arrested in Miami.

"I have no control over the private lives of my employees, and although I care for them very much, I strongly disapprove of any illegal or morally questionable acts. Each person will have to face the responsibility for their own actions and prove their innocence," stated the influencer.

Andy Santana © Instagram / Andy Santana y Miami Dade Corrections
Andy SantanaPhoto © Instagram / Andy Santana and Miami Dade Corrections

Andy Santana, treasurer of the campaign of Cuban influencer Alexander Otaola in the race for the Miami-Dade County mayoralty, was arrested this Thursday for alleged illegal sexual activity with a minor.

"Today we woke up to a tragically shameful piece of news for me and my work team: the arrest of the campaign treasurer, who is under investigation for a truly reprehensible charge," Otaola said on his social media.

Screenshot Facebook / Alexander Otaola

Still pending presentation before the judge and for him to establish the amount of the bail, Santana faces a serious accusation that could result in a sentence of up to 15 years in prison and a fine of 10,000 dollars if found guilty.

The age of consent in Florida is 18 years, which means that any sexual activity with someone under that age is considered illegal. Violating this law can lead to a second-degree felony charge, according to the Leppard Law firm.

"I want to make it clear, without a doubt, that I have no control over the private lives of my employees, and although I appreciate them very much, I strongly disapprove of any illegal or morally questionable acts. Each person will have to face the responsibility of their own actions and prove their innocence," said the influencer on Facebook.

Screenshot with the police record of the detainee

According to Otaola, the arrest of his treasurer is being used on social media and in the press to "discredit my reputation and my work, attempting to undermine the credibility of my complaints and my political activism."

"I want to be clear: I have nothing to do with this situation and I have nothing to declare about it. My entire team faces constant scrutiny, pressure, and criticism simply because I am their boss, and I do not intend to remain silent in the face of what is wrong. It doesn't matter who falls," stated the host of the show Hola Ota-ola.

The former candidate for the Miami-Dade mayoralty criticized those who did not offer him spaces for his political campaign and are now asking for interviews to air this alleged "scandal."

"The press that previously did not respond to interview requests to talk about the campaign is now calling to speak with me. The headlines that weren't given (...) to report on anti-corruption political alternatives now resonate unfairly, trying to mix me up with something that has nothing to do with me. It's time for them to stop trying to look so pathetic," concluded the controversial influencer.

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