What do Cuban children eat in their schools?

"I feel very bad every time I leave my six-year-old knowing what they will give him for lunch."

Escuela cubana © Girón
Cuban schoolPhoto © Girón

A Cuban mother reported the terrible food her son is given at the primary school in Matanzas.

"I feel very bad every time I leave my six-year-old knowing what they will give him for lunch," Caridad González told Martí Noticias.

The woman sent a photo of the tray with the lunch that students receive, which is "more or less the same every day," according to the child's teacher, who spoke on the condition of anonymity.

"Rice and soup, but without any protein. That soup is water with a piece of cassava," the teacher explained.

Facebook capture / Martí Noticias

The Facebook post generated outrage among dozens of Cuban internet users.

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