They are looking for information about a woman assaulted in Guantánamo.

The woman, of legal age, was allegedly attacked around August 19 in the municipality of San Antonio del Sur.

Calle de San Antonio del Sur, en Guantánamo. (Imagen de referencia) © Facebook / SAN ANTONIO DEL SUR EN FOTOS / Kristofer Alcantara Ofwor
San Antonio del Sur Street, in Guantánamo. (Reference image)Photo © Facebook / SAN ANTONIO DEL SUR IN PHOTOS / Kristofer Alcantara Ofwor

Cuban feminist platforms are seeking information about a woman who allegedly suffered an assault in Guantánamo.

The gender-based violence observatories YoSíTeCreo in Cuba (YSTCC) and Alas Tensas (OGAT) have requested help from the community to locate Lisbet Daudinot Lugo.

Lisbet, of legal age, was allegedly assaulted around August 19 in San Antonio del Sur.

"If you know of any cases of extreme gender violence, contact: Observatorio de Feminicidios de YSTCC Messenger, Observatorio de Género de Alas Tensas (OGAT) (WhatsApp) +34 624 88 30 48," they said on their networks.

Last Tuesday, the Cuban police arrested the attacker of a woman residing in Campo Florido, Havana, whom he assaulted with a machete.

Yidania Santos Peña, 42 years old, lost her left hand and four fingers from her right hand, in addition to suffering head injuries in the attack that occurred on September 20.

The aggressor is her ex-partner and the father of her four children, who was arrested five days after the incident. If he is already in jail, it is thanks to the pressure from Yidania's family, as he was hiding in the woods and continued to roam around the farm where she lives.

The subject was under house arrest due to a previous assault and for mistreating the children.

This week, YSTCC and Alas Tensas denounced the publication by "unscrupulous people or with a disinformation plan" of the murder of a woman in Matanzas.

"This is not the first time that the observatories have faced 'fake news', which have also been reported in cases of the disappearance of women, girls, and boys," they claimed in a statement.

"The OGAT and YSTCC observatories are governed by a proven methodology used in observatories around the world, to avoid falling into manipulations and even very bad taste jokes about such a sensitive issue as femicides and the disappearances of women, girls, boys, and adolescents," they clarified.

Both groups are maintaining surveillance on four reported cases in Las Tunas, Matanzas, Camagüey, and Guantánamo.

From January to September 23, the underreporting done by them totals 38 femicides, three attempted femicides, six cases that require access to police investigation, and two murders of men for gender reasons.

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