"I don't want to know anything more about the United States": Cuban sparks reactions after announcing he is returning to the island.

Its publication has provoked thousands of messages and exchanges of opinions.

A Cuban in the United States has left social media buzzing after posting a video announcing his decision to move back to Cuba permanently.

In the video, recorded at the airport, content creator @joelvega150 explained his determination to return to the island after what he describes as the "loneliness," "hypocrisy," and "evil" he has experienced in the United States.

"I've made up my mind, I'm going to Cuba and I'm not coming back," he said in the video, where he talked about the difficult situation he has faced in Miami and how the lack of connection with people has led him to make the decision to return to his country, giving up any future life in the U.S.

"I'm tired of this loneliness, of the hypocrisy, of the malice, of the evil that people have here in this country," she added in her video, where she declared that she didn't want to "know anything more about the United States," mentioning that she would give up all her papers and stay forever with her family on the island.

The video has generated more than 7,900 likes and has sparked thousands of comments from other users who are divided between those who support his decision and those who criticize it. "My husband and I are also leaving, we are older people, we can't find work and we are alone paying rent money that is running out," "You are absolutely right, I'm dying to go back, bro," some subscribed.

However, not all reactions were supportive: “Bye kid, no one needs you here, go back over there, misery and blackouts are waiting for you,” “When you get to Cuba, post another video, we want to see if it’s true,” said others.

Some users shared their own experiences, expressing how they have also felt the temptation to return to the island, but remembering the harsh reality that is lived there. “Sometimes I also want to go, but I think about how Cuba is and it passes by, haha,” commented one. In a more sarcastic tone, another wished them luck and said: “You’re doing well, I hope you become a great inspiration for others.”

Despite their refusal to accept positive or negative comments, their video has not gone unnoticed, and opinions continue to accumulate, with some people sharing their frustrations with life in the United States, while others remember how difficult it is to survive in Cuba.

What is still unclear is whether her plan to return to Cuba was real or just content for social media. Although she stated several times in the video that "she's leaving and not coming back," after that post, she hasn't shared any more videos, leaving many wondering if she finally took the flight back to the island or if it was all just part of viral content.

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