"Stop the outrageousness already": Cuban in the U.S. explodes against mandatory tips in restaurants.

"Stop stealing from the waiters because you want us, the customers, to pay for what you don't pay."

The Cuban @cubanita09 on TikTok did not hold back in criticizing what she considers an abuse of tips in restaurants in the U.S. “Restaurant owners, pay your servers what they deserve, stop stealing from them, because you want customers to pay what you won’t,” she stated emphatically. The creator explained that she used to work as a waitress and at that time, those tips of 20%, 25%, or even 30% that are now almost mandatory did not exist.

"When I went to a restaurant, the bill had a 20% to 30% option! But come on, soon it will be 50/50!" she exclaimed with irony. She recalled how before tips started at 5% or 10%, and now customers are being pressured to leave exorbitant amounts. "The tip is not mandatory," she insisted several times, clarifying that she understands the importance of tips, but only if they are voluntary.

The video quickly sparked reactions online. Among them, one person commented: “I worked in a bakery in Miami and with tips, they completed our salary. What was left over, the owners kept.” Another complained about being a victim of double charging: “I went to a restaurant in Doral, they charged me 18% tip included, and then they asked for 15% on top. They double charge you if you don’t realize it!” The majority agreed that the situation has become an abuse, and one even issued a warning: “That should be illegal. Tips come from our own pockets, the owners can’t rely on them.”

The controversy over tips has appeared before, as in the case of Karla Martin, another Cuban who also went viral with a video in August criticizing that in many restaurants, tipping is mandatory while the quality of service, on the other hand, is sometimes questionable.

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