Electric Company announces only three hours of service in Camagüey

The energy chaos that Cuba is experiencing has intensified, with seven thermoelectric units out of service due to breakdowns or maintenance.

Apagón en Cuba © CiberCuba
Power outage in CubaPhoto © CiberCuba

The Electric Company of Camagüey, in the province of Cuba, reported this Wednesday that, due to the critical generation situation the country is facing, the service will be guaranteed for only three hours a day, depending on availability.

Through the social network Facebook, the entity announced the following: “Given the complex situation regarding the country's electric generation, the specialists of the Provincial Load Dispatch of the Electric Company of Camagüey are working to guarantee the service for approximately three hours, depending on the availability of energy in the province.”

Facebook post/Electric Company of Camagüey

He also added that he would provide updated information through Telegram channels and Facebook itself. New details quickly arrived, as just a few minutes later he stated that the situation had worsened.

"The generation deficit affecting the province at this time has increased to 78 MW, which is why circuits Y314, Y315, Y316, Y420, Y440, and 2110 are being opened," it reported.

Facebook post/Electric Company of Camagüey

The energy chaos that Cuba is experiencing has intensified, with seven thermoelectric units out of service due to breakdowns or maintenance.

The demand for electricity reached a record 1,641 MW, and blackouts close to 1,500 MW are forecasted during peak hours, which has generated discontent among the population.

The constant interruptions have led to protests in various locations, such as the demonstration in Báguanos, Holguín, where residents took to the streets to demand the restoration of the electricity service after more than 12 hours without power. The images and testimonies shared on social media reflect the growing discontent in the country regarding the energy situation.

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