Police returns lost suitcase at Havana International Airport.

Cases of lost belongings are common at this airport terminal, as, amid the excitement of reuniting with family, some passengers tend to forget their luggage.

Terminal 3 Aeropuerto Internacional José Martí. La Habana Cuba. © CiberCuba
Terminal 3 José Martí International Airport. Havana, Cuba.Photo © CiberCuba

A Cuban police officer rescued a suitcase that had been abandoned in Terminal 3 of the José Martí International Airport in Havana, and the luggage was returned to its owner.

According to "El Cubano Fiel," a Facebook profile linked to the Ministry of Interior, "Officer Ernesto, while carrying out his service, noticed a forgotten suitcase on a luggage cart and after following the appropriate procedures, he handed it over to the PNR Unit at the airport."

Facebook post/The Faithful Cuban

"Thanks to the documents inside the luggage, the legitimate owner was contacted, who received the suitcase and expressed gratitude for the quick and effective action of the officer," he added to his account.

Screenshot/ Facebook/ El Cubano Fiel

Cases of lost belongings are common at the mentioned airport terminal, as, amid the excitement of reuniting with family, some passengers tend to forget their luggage.

In September 2023, the Cuban police returned thousands of dollars and euros to an Italian tourist visiting the island who had left his backpack in a luggage cart.

Months earlier, the military institution recovered another backpack with almost 1,000 dollars and over 500 euros from an American citizen who had left it forgotten; something similar to what happened to a police officer who in May of that year recovered two pieces of luggage that totaled over 3,000 dollars and various belongings that he returned to their respective owners.

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