Daughter of a multiple murder victim in Havana: "My mom was suffocated with a pillow."

The Cuban community faces the uncertainty of living in a land increasingly battered by violence and despair.

Parque Trillo. Barrio Cayo Hueso. Centro Habana. © CiberCuba
Trillo Park. Cayo Hueso neighborhood. Central Havana.Photo © CiberCuba

The brutal murder of three people - a woman and two men - in the Centro Habana municipality of Havana has shaken the community, adding to the alarming wave of violence that is sweeping across Cuba.

Despite the silence of the authorities and the official media, new details have begun to emerge, and Martí Noticias managed to interview Mayda Valido, the daughter and sister of two of the victims.

Valido shared heartbreaking details about the crime that has left a deep wound in his family, which lost Soraida Águila, 86, and his son Danilo Valido Águila, 62, on a fateful night; a friend named José Miguel was also murdered, and they were all found suffocated last week.

"They drowned my mom with a pillow, my brother with a towel, and José Miguel in a similar way. The killers were not carrying firearms," he recounted in the capital of the island after traveling from the United States in light of the unexpected tragedy.

The apparent reason for the multiple homicide was robbery. "They took my brother's safe and other material belongings," added Mayda about the event that occurred near Parque Trillo, a well-known meeting point in the Cayo Hueso neighborhood.

The crime was discovered thanks to the insistence of Mayda and her sister, who, unable to communicate with two of their loved ones, alerted the neighbors to check the house.

"It was terrible to find out like this. My brother had always helped everyone, he had no enemies. And the murderers, to make matters worse, were acquaintances of his," she lamented, filled with sadness.

"The police were very efficient. From the first day they discovered the bodies, all the police came, and within 24 hours they caught all the killers. People do horrible things for money because there is a lot of money shortage, and my brother was an angel who helped everyone and was a loving person," she added to the cited media.

The rapid police response allowed for the capture of the culprits in less than 24 hours. However, the tragedy underscores the worrying increase in crime on the island, once a safe place.

According to Martí Noticias, a report from the Cuban Citizen Audit Observatory recorded a 152 percent increase in criminal activity in recent months, something that is deeply linked to the economic crisis the nation is experiencing.

The funeral of the three victims was held with great discretion due to the advanced state of decomposition of the bodies. Meanwhile, the families are coping with the pain, and the Cuban community faces the uncertainty of living in a land increasingly ravaged by violence and despair.

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