Flor de Cuba takes refuge from the blackouts in a hotel in Havana: "Escaping and protecting my loved ones."

The video of Flor de Cuba did not go unnoticed by her followers, who showered her with criticism.

In the midst of the energy crisis that has plunged Cubans into a widespread blackout, Flor de Cuba decided to "escape" with her children to the Gran Aston La Habana Hotel, undoubtedly one of the few places right now that has electricity in the country.

"Escaping and protecting my own that no one will take care of for me," wrote the Cuban influencer alongside a video on Instagram promoting the hotel.

Flor de Cuba showcased the welcome they received with a non-alcoholic cocktail, the room with a view of the Malecón, the restaurant, the gym, the pool, and other facilities.

"Being able to protect them, provide for them, and keep them away from all the bad things happening fills me with pride and satisfaction, especially because what I do, I do honestly; I don't hurt anyone, I don't scam anyone, and I don't harm anyone," he is heard saying in the video referring to doing this for his children.

The video by Flor de Cuba did not go unnoticed by her followers, who showered her with criticism for posting this type of content amidst the unfortunate situation that the people are experiencing.

"There is electricity there, but not everyone has the same sponsors as you to get baptized. What a shame that the little food they had is going bad, and you go out with such a reach on social media to promote a hotel as if their salaries were enough. How shameless of you."; "And the power outages, or did they give you a candle?" "There is light there, right?"; "It's shameful to make that video these days, the saddest part of our history."; "One thing is to promote your business, another is to promote that hotel, which is part of the dictatorship's business."; "You have to have some sense to promote hotels while a whole country is suffering. You've got it bigger than Grajales," some wrote in the comments.

The influencer did not ignore the questions and responded: "If I had been in Miami on a yacht, all prosperous, no one would be offended. What bothers them is that I do it in Cuba if they knew that communism means no social classes exist. You are the true communists, which is why it will take a long time for Cuba to change because the first thing that needs to change is that communist mentality of seeing everyone in misery equally."

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Deneb González

Editor of CiberCuba Entertainment

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