"She's not the only one! A Cuban used a Walmart bag to dye her hair, and here's the result: 'I was scared.'"

A Cuban woman in the U.S. used a Walmart bag instead of a cap to dye her hair, resulting in the logo being printed on her head. The anecdote went viral on TikTok, showcasing Cuban creativity.

A Cuban woman in the United States shared a funny moment on TikTok when she recounted what happened when she used a Walmart bag as a substitute for a plastic cap while dyeing someone else's hair.

The user, known as @yeanis1216, wrote alongside the video: “The things that happen to me. I ran out of hats and remembered the burlap sack on my head. Thank God the Walmart letters came off easily, but I was scared.”

The video captures the moment when, upon removing the bag, the letters of the Walmart logo were imprinted on the affected individual's scalp. Fortunately, the incident was temporary, and the letters were able to be removed without any issues. Nonetheless, the scene turned into an anecdote that highlights the resourcefulness and improvisational solutions that many Cubans are known for.

The post quickly went viral, garnering thousands of views and comments that laughed at both the misfortune and the creativity behind the makeshift method.

Some users shared similar experiences, commenting: "It happened to me once while painting some extensions. Only Cubans would think to use bags for everything"; "At least it was from Walmart, I had it happen with one from Sedano’s. Can you imagine my hair being yellow with those red letters? I was literally a bag!"; "They're sponsored by Walmart, haha. I love it!"; "Tell me you're Cuban without saying you are. Regards, I hope you were able to take it off." or "It happened to me once when I didn't have gloves and used a nylon bag from DDS. I ended up with the red part of the sign on my head. Super light blonde, can you imagine, haha!"

Of course, she is not the only one who has experienced something similar...

Situations like these, where the everyday turns into comedy, illustrate how wit and humor are essential elements of Cuban identity. What about you? Have you experienced something similar?

Frequently Asked Questions about Cuban Ingenuity and Creativity Abroad

Why did a photo of a Cuban woman using a Walmart bag to dye her hair go viral?

The post went viral due to the creativity and improvised ingenuity of the Cuban woman using a Walmart bag as a substitute for a hair dyeing cap. This kind of situation resonates with the Cuban community, which values humor and inventiveness in everyday circumstances. Furthermore, the incident was temporary and harmless, allowing the video to be shared and enjoyed with a humorous tone.

What does the creative use of everyday objects by Cubans abroad reflect?

The creative use of everyday objects by Cubans abroad reflects a distinctive trait of Cuban identity: ingenuity and adaptability. These practices are common due to the scarcity in Cuba, which has prompted many people to develop a mindset of reusing and maximizing resources wherever they may be.

How does Cuban humor relate to migration experiences?

Cuban humor is a fundamental tool for dealing with migration experiences, allowing people to find the comedic side of challenging situations and adaptation in a new environment. This humor fosters connection among Cubans abroad and helps them cope with the difficulties of migrant life.

What other similar anecdotes of Cuban creativity have been shared on social media?

In addition to the story of the Walmart bag, other anecdotes include using vases as juice pitchers or rice bags as beach bags. These stories highlight the ability of Cubans to give new purposes to everyday objects, showcasing their ingenuity and cultural adaptability abroad.


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Izabela Pecherska

Editor at CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from Rey Juan Carlos University in Madrid, Spain. Previously an editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

Izabela Pecherska

The text "Izabela Pecherska" is a name and does not require translation. It remains "Izabela Pecherska" in English

Editor at CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from Rey Juan Carlos University in Madrid, Spain. Previously worked as an editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.